Self Care


I feel like a broken record, but the biggest lifestyle changs for me was our move to Santa Ynez almost 4 years ago. Waylon was just 6 months old and I hadn’t gotten into my “new mom” routine yet because like most new moms, I was basking in baby bliss. That said, the move rocked my world! We no longer had the revolving door of friends stopping by, we didn’t have the freedom to just take a hike from the front door, my in-laws weren’t our neighbors anymore, and my emotional health took a nose dive as I struggled with finding my footing with a new town, trying to make new friends and straddling the mountain between Santa Ynez and Santa Barbara.

Self-care has been a topic on my mind for months now, but adding it to my daily life seems to be tricky. Until now, I haven’t been taking time for my needs, but that is about to change. The things I know for certain are the following:

  • Having down time was vital to my well being. This may come as a shock to people, but while I appear to be an extrovert, but I can easily hole up at home for days at a time…if I have enough projects. I also love the quiet. I love to be social, but I do my best work when I am alone in the quiet, or in nature.

  • I need more exercise. If I don’t feel physically strong, I am not mentally strong. It helps with my stress levels and my threshold of irritation. Nobody wants mama on a rampage and when I don’t get enough exercise, I have a very short fuse. Hiking or walking with Milo always felt like an escape too.

  • I crave ALONE time. Again, I may sound selfish, but I had 35 years as an independent woman before I had a husband or child so I know myself well, and I know what I need in order to be a better mother and wife.

Now that I have been able to compartmentalize these elements on my journey to better self-care, I have been trying to find the best daily approach so that they tie into my lifestyle seamlessly without guilt!

Guilt doesn’t fit in my world anymore. On the days I am home with the whole family, I have my favorite walk down a country road, jump on our Peloton, or hit up Studio Joie de V for pilates. Sometimes I simply work on the creative projects that spark joy or get me using my hands…all which make me a happier person!

The days of me feeling guilty for sitting at the beach reading a book or lacing bags are over. If that is what I need in order to be a better person, you better believe I am going to do it! And when all else fails…it’s a good thing I am married to a wine maker.



Everything You Need


Vitamin Sea