The Village


As I look back at the last four plus years of being a mama, I have one thing that still keeps me going and encourages me everyday, my girlfriends, my village. We are family at this point and have journey through some turbulent waters and incredibly joyous moments together I wrote this on my blog last spring, yet it still holds a dear place in my heart. The village is no joke, and we all need one!

April 2017 - The Goods Blog

It is a fact (at least in my fact book) that NOTHING in life can prepare you for becoming a parent. Whether you are a mother or father, as soon as that baby enters the world, your life has changed forever.

When I became pregnant, it only took about 6 weeks before I learned that 3 of my oldest girlfriends were knocked up also! The 4 of us were due within 3 months of each other. Everything changed at that moment and a new support system was born. Though I had other girlfriends who were offering sound advise, and my sister was just about to have her second baby with a 14 month old to take care of, they were in the thick of their own transition to motherhood, so I didn't want to burden them with silly questions and exciting but constant baby talk.

Our "Preggo Support Group" started as a text between the 4 of us. These girls were my saving grace with questions about my body, the baby, the changes in my mood, our relationships with our husbands...and the list goes on...There was no conversations too embarrassing or disgusting to talk about, and thankfully there is a nurse in the crew so we had a direct line to all the medical questions. It was evident, and we swiftly learned, just how much we needed each other.

They became my council in this ever-changing time of life. Through the ups and downs, ins and outs, and highs and lows, we are there for one another. Together, we have experienced pregnancy, miscarriage, birth, c-section recovery, breast-feeding, teething, going back to work, hemorrhoids, potty training, tantrums, sleep training, pure exhaustion...and the list goes on.

Now our "Bad Moms" group consists of 8 girls who all met while waiting tables together in 2000. The additional 4 mamas have kiddos just a bit older and their advise is AMAZING because they can help us new moms navigate the uncharted waters of the terrible twos and beyond. Even though we are in Santa Barbara, Santa Ynez, Los Angeles, Sonoma, Portland, Nebraska and Mexico, we are always there if someone needs an ear or voice of reason.

Over the past two years and too many texts to count, I know with certainty I could not have gotten through some...if not most...of the hurdles of motherhood without them. Everyone says it takes a village to raise a child, but this tribe is making me a better mother to my crazy and funny 18 month old.

They are my very own cheerleading squad and I am thankful for them each and every day! I love you girls and the mothers you all are. These girls are my forever village!

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